Art and Commerce - Kellner (2012): The Frankfurt School and the Creative Industry

5 important questions on Art and Commerce - Kellner (2012): The Frankfurt School and the Creative Industry

Kellner (2012) talks about ideas of the Frankfurt School. Can you briefly describe what the Frankfurt school is.

  • Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, best known for being the birthplace of Critical Theory.
  • Towards 1940s: shift from studying working class movements and fascism to communication and culture.
  • Many theorists fled to the USA during WW2 and returned after the war.
  • Major theorists:
    • Adorno.
    • Horkheimer.
    • Benjamin.
    • Habermas.

Kellner (2012) talks about the Frankfurt School and their ideas on the Creative Industries.
Can you describe how Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969) thought about the creative industry?

  • Particularly interested in music and society.
    • Saw pop music as a mass produced, commodified version of art.
  • Pessimistic view on pop art, in favour of high art:
    • High culture is more removed from commerce and challenges the audience more.
    • High art has a kind of "emancipatory potential" that pop art lacked.

Kellner (2012) talks about the Frankfurt School and their ideas on the Creative Industries.
Can you describe how Walter Benjamin (1892 -1940) thought about the creative industry?

  • More optimistic outlook on pop culture (than Adorno).
    • Even though reproduction (photography, film) demystified high art, it could also be a source of political consciousness.
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Kellner (2012) talks about the Frankfurt school and their ideas on the Creative industries.
How does the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory tie with the Culture industry?

  • They saw the rise of mass communication in the US.
  • Developed 'Culture Industry' as a concept.
  • Saw mass cultural products as:
    • Distraction and manipulation.
    • Products of their time.

What is, according to Kellner (2012), the four points of critique and contemporary influence of the Frankfurt School's ideas on the cultural industries?

  • Influenced major theorists.
  • Connected culture and communication to economy and society.
  • Artefacts within context.
  • Critique: very conservative and elite approach.

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