Côte d'Or, Côte Challoinnaise & Maconnais - The Growing environment and grape growing - Topography

5 important questions on Côte d'Or, Côte Challoinnaise & Maconnais - The Growing environment and grape growing - Topography

What are the most critical factors determining the style and quality of a wine in Burgundy

The Aspect and Elevation of the vineyards

Why are aspect and elevation so divers in Burgundy

  • The Côte d'Or lies on a range of north-south hills from 200-400 above sea level > most east-facing
  • But...side valleys > more east-west oriented

Where can you find the best vineyards on the slopes of Burgundy, what are the benefits?

On the mid-slopes, the benefits being:
  • well-draining shallow (=ondiep) soils
  • good sunlight interception
  • better frost protection
  • better ripening potential
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How are the circumstances at the top- and bottom of the slopes in Burgundy

Top slopes:
  • very poor, thin soils
  • cooling winds

Bottom slopes:
  • deeper soils
  • drainage poorer
  • more clay > greater fertility > more vigour > increased danger of shading > difficult ripening of the grapes
  • vulnerable to frost

Which grape varieties can been found in the coolest sites of Burgundy

Aligoté or Ch/PN used for Crémant de Bourgogne

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