Burgundy - Chablis - The Growing Environment and grape growing

5 important questions on Burgundy - Chablis - The Growing Environment and grape growing

Where is the region of Chablis located? How large is it?

  • Part of Burgundy
  • Most northerly region, 110 km northwest of Dijon
  • Lies in the Valley of river Serein,
  • 5500ha
  • latitude 47NB

Oak aromas, flavours and textures are not typically desirable nor commonly found in most generic Chablis, which is celebrated for its crisp, bright citrus and green apple fruit flavours and high acidity.
What are the exceptions and what are producers that do?

Some wines especially grand crus and more occasionally the premier crus may be fermented and aged in barrels.  There is  a range of styles from use of old oak (used by for example, Dauvissat or Raveneau)
Some new oak ( used by eg William Fèvre)

What winemaking options are used in Chablis, within the legal limitations.

  • Chaptalisation
  • Fermentation in stainless steel
  • MLF is common.
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What is the only grape variety that is allowed within the Chablis appellation?


What are the maximum yields for Chablis?

  • 60 hl/ha Petit Chablis AOC & Chablis AOC
  • 58 hl/ha Chablis Premier Cru AOC
  • 54 hl/ha Chablis Grand Cru AOC

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