Greece - Wine Laws and Regulations

3 important questions on Greece - Wine Laws and Regulations

What is the Greek equivalent for PDO?

  • The Greek equivalent of PDO is POP (Prostatevmeni Onomasia Proelefsis).
  • 33 located throughout Greece,7
  • 20 per cent of total annual production.
  • The individual PDOs lay down rules on grape growing and winemaking, such as yields and which varieties can be grown (PDO Naoussa is unusual in also having ageing requirements).
  • With the notable exception of Muscat for sweet wines, PDO wines are usually restricted to native varieties.

What is the Greek equivalent for PGI?

  • PGE (Prostatevmeni Geografiki Endiksi) is the Greek equivalent of PGI.
  • over 120, with several being added every year,
  • around 62 per cent of all Greek wine.
  • Grape growing and winemaking rules are less strict and, in particular, international varieties may be used in PGI wines.

OKP is a special wine category for traditional products in Greece. What is the general labelling?

  • Wines from Greece for wines without a geographical indication.
  • For high volume brands.

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