South of France - Languedoc - Wine business

5 important questions on South of France - Languedoc - Wine business

How much is the % AOC and IGP in Languedoc?

  • 15% AOC
  • 70% IGP

Give the two most important export markets of Languedoc

  • USA
  • China

Name some producers of high quality wines in Languedoc

  • Mas de Daumas Gassac
  • Domaine Bertrand's Clos d'Ora
  • Château Puech-Haut
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What changed in the Languedoc area last decades?

  • The focus more on quality than quantity
  • wines seeking reflection of their origin
  • rise small private producers

Name the promotional body of Languedoc.

Sud de France (wine, food, tourism), organizing ViniSud fair and promotions in export markets.

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