Central Italy - Lazio

4 important questions on Central Italy - Lazio

Lazio is the 6th wine producing region of Italy, what is mainly produced?

100.000ha; White wines 70% of Malvasia and Trebbiano Toscano.

What is the climate of Lazio in Central Italy?

Along the coast, Mediterranean climate moderated by low hills (300m) and cooling winds from the sea.

What are local varieties of Lazio?

  • Malvasia del Lazio for white; grapey and peach
  • Cesanese for red, semi aromatic variety.
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What are the DOC(G)s of Lazio? Which styles of wines are produced?

  • DOC Frascati; min 70% Malvasia, 30% Trebbiano
  • DOCG Frascati Superiore: same grapes, lower yields, no required oak ageing
  • DOC Castelli Romani; broad area, including Frascati; for red and (more) white
  • DOCG Cesanese di Piglio; red
  • DOC Est Est Est

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