Côte d'Or, Côte Challoinnaise & Maconnais - Vineyard Classification - The Côte d'Or and the Hautes Côtes

4 important questions on Côte d'Or, Côte Challoinnaise & Maconnais - Vineyard Classification - The Côte d'Or and the Hautes Côtes

In general in Côte d'Or, the classification reflects the location, including their position on the slope. What 4 slope positions are used for vineyards?

  • Flat land beyond the top of the slope
  • Mid slope (for Grand crus)
  • Lowest part of the slope (village level)
  • Flat land at bottom of the slope (generic appellation Bourgogne)

The generic appellations Hautes Côtes de Beaune and Hautes Côtes de Nuits are located beyond the top of the slope of the Côte d'Or. Describe the growing environment and influences on the wines.

Here the slightly higher altitude, the lack of protection from prevailing weather, poorer sunlight interception and richer soils encouraging vine vigour mean these wines are less concentrated
and structured than those in the Côte d’Or, and can struggle to ripen in cooler years.

Grand crus wines are found on the mid-slope of the Côte d'Or, what are the benefits of this location?

Grands crus are found in the mid-slope with premiers crus often surrounding them. Here, full ripeness can be achieved even in the cooler years.The mid-slope has poor but adequate,
shallow soils, good drainage, protection from the prevailing weather systems and good sunlight interception, all of which, in capable winemaking hands, contribute to producing wines with concentration, balance and length.
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On the lower part of the slopes of Côte d'Or the village appellations are located. Describe the growing environment and impact on the wines.

  • Soils are richer and less well drained,
  • and fruit does not reach the same level of ripeness,
  • but can still produce wines of very good quality and character.

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