California - Central Valley

4 important questions on California - Central Valley

Central Valley in California

  • Entirely inland
  • large area, two valleys (which are NOT AVAs!)
    • Sacramento Valley, north, 6.700 ha
    • San Joaquin Valley, south, 61.000 ha
  • High yielding vineyards on flat fertile areas
  • Daytime temperatures 35-40C
    • > very ripe grapes
  • Large-scale production
    • E & J Gallo Winery
    • Bronco Wine Company
  • 'California' on label > most wines come from San Joaquin Valley
  • French Colombard, Chardonnay, Muscat, Zinfandel, Merlot
  • Lodi AVA

Zinfandel in Lodi AVA, Central Valley, California

  • some over 100 years > sandy soils > phylloxera no problem in some areas
  • styles range from medium/full-bodied, medium/medium(+) acidity, ripe tannins, flavours of cherry, blueberry, blackberry

Why there may be lots of Lodi grapes in 'California' blends

Because of the low price of the grapes from this area
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Significant producers in Lodi AVA, California Central Valley

  • Michael David
  • Ravenswood

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