California - North Coast - Sonoma County

4 important questions on California - North Coast - Sonoma County

Three AVAs in California North Coast AVA and their sub-AVAs

  • Northern Sonoma AVA
    • Alexander Valley AVA
    • Knights Valley AVA
    • Dry Creek Valley AVA
    • Rockpile AVA
    • Russian River Valley AVA
      • Green Valley of Russian River Valley AVA
      • Chalk Hill AVA
  • Sonoma Coast AVA
    • Fort Cross Seaview AVA
    • Petaluma Gap AVA
    • Sonoma side of Carneros
    • part of Sonoma Valley
    • western part of Chalk Hill
    • most of Russian River Valley AVA
  • Sonoma Valley AVA
    • Sonoma Mountain AVA
    • Bennett Valley AVA
    • Carneros AVA
    • part of Russian River Valley AVA

Important mountain range in Sonoma

Mayacamas mountains

Carneros AVA in California

  • Carneros is an AVA in both Sonoma and Napa
    • grapes from Sonoma side of AVA > 'Sonoma County' on label
    • grapes from Napa side of AVA > 'Napa County' on label
    • grapes from both AVAs > 'Carneros' or 'Los Carneros' on label
  • near to San Pablo bay > fog and cold winds
  • daytimes warm and sunny
  • low elevation > max 200 m
  • Pinot Noir and Chardonnay
    • medium to medium(+) all aspects
  • Producers:
    • Kistler
    • Tor
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Specific AVA on label in Sonoma California...

... 'Sonoma County' must be stated on the label

E.g.: grapes all from Russian River Valley >
Russian River Valley AVA, Sonoma County

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