Employees and High Performance Work Systems: Testing inside the black box -- Ramsay et al, 2000

9 important questions on Employees and High Performance Work Systems: Testing inside the black box -- Ramsay et al, 2000

What does this study seek? (Ramsay, 2000)

Seeks to test competing claims of theories advocating and criticising so-called HPWS in order to advance the debates about the nature and outcomes of emerging approaches to labour management

What is meant with the high road approach to management? (Ramsay, 2000)

Organisations choose to compete primarily on quality and rely especially on human resource development and employee contributions to succeed in establishing competitive advantage by the HR policies

What does HPWS entail in this research study? (Ramsay, 2000)

Entails managements ceding a degree of control to employees and introducing as a range of progressive methods which increase employee welfare. These include measures such as involvement programs, team-based work, enhanced training and development, forms of gain-sharing and high-wage reward systems
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What is the key issue for the existing studies on HPWS

The extent to which management practices work together as systems or bundles (employee skills and employee motivation).

There is room for differences in emphasis within the literature on HPWS, how is high-commitment management (HCM) referred to in this study? (Ramsay, 2000)

Reducing turnover, absenteeism, and costs through a reduction in the need for control and monitoring

There is room for differences in emphasis within the literature on HPWS, how is high-involvement management (HIM) referred to in this study? (Ramsay, 2000)

Enhancing opportunities for employees to take initiatives, arising from their empowerment to take productive decisions

What is the HPWS argument state in this article? (Ramsay, 2000)

Entails a causal path in which worker outcomes mediate between HPWS practices and performance
So: HPWS --> worker --> performance practices outcomes

An alternative view of the nature and outcomes of HPWS is informed by what we term the 'labour process' critique, we characterise this alternative approach as LP because its basis is a recognitions that a fundamental and perennial problem for the management of labour in capitalism is minimising the potential gap between labour power and actual labour as a means of maximising profit. However what does the labour process critique entail? (Ramsay, 2000)

Intensification of work that managers are driven to constantly find ways to make employees work longer and/or harder as means to maximise labour input

What could the labour process theory lead to (critique)? (Ramsay, 2000)

Direct control and de-skilling can be only taken so far before the workers dissatisfaction arises and employee management conflict start to outweigh the benefits of the intensification process, and new ways of extracting effort have to be sought

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