SQL and Data Warehousing - Data Warehouse Framework - Architectures
6 important questions on SQL and Data Warehousing - Data Warehouse Framework - Architectures
What is Canned data ware house?
- (in ERP system)
This structure is mostly offered by ERP vendors. The picture shows the structure of the SAP Business Warehouse solution. ODS stands for operational data store. Info cube is the same as a data mart. The canned data warehouse is comparable to the independent data marts. However, the canned data warehouse contains business knowledge.
What is Independent data marts?
- With independent, you get the information you need for the different data sources. Because you only use the information you need, a lot of ETL needs to be done. Next to that, the maintenance can become a problem. Another problem within this structure are the data definitions (the Bus architecture is a solution to this problem)
What is Enterprise data warehouse?
- All information is covered in the central data warehouse, and there is one version of the truth. Because there is one data warehouse the ERL process is much simpler.
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In which two categories can we split the seven data warehouse variants?
What is central data ware house?
a pure architecture Top-down enterprise data warehouse approach
o Has one integrated warehouse.
o Advantage is that it has a simple ETL process.
o Entity-relational modeling
o Examples: Hub and spoke, and federated data warehouse (in practice most
What is federated architecture?
Architecture is composed of data marts (no central data
warehouse)bottom-upcanned data warehouse
- Start at the requirements of a single department, and after that they scale
up. Therefore, the data warehouse = a collection of data marts. A typical
feature is dimensional modelling (next week). This is very cheap to build. - Dimensional modeling: consistency achieved by conformed dimensions
- Problems:
- Very much ETL has to be done.
- Low data consistencysolution is the Data Mart bus architecture,
which links the different data marts by conformed dimensions
- Very much ETL has to be done.
- Independent data marts, bus architecture, and the canned data warehouse
are within this category.
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