Introduction to BI & BM

5 important questions on Introduction to BI & BM

A database systems allows users to:

- Organize (CREATE) - Store (INSERT) - Update (UPDATE) - Delete (DELETE) - Retrieve their data (SELECT)

What is a table?

structured list of data of a specific type. Each table has a name, and is divided into fields (columns) and records (rows)

What is a relational database?

-Data to be grouped into tables
- Sets relationships between tables
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What is a primary key?

fields that uniquely identifies each record in a table. Null value is not allowed. It consists of 1 or more attributes that determine other attributes. When a primary key contains multiple values, it is called a composite primary key. Key’s role is based on determinations: A  B, C, D o If you know A, you can lookup B, C, D o B, C, D are functionally dependent on A Textual representation of the database tables. Primary keys are underlined

What is a superkey?

any key that uniquely identifies each row (potential primary key)

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