Decision making: individuals and reality - Smith & Levin (1996) need for cognition and choice framing effects

3 important questions on Decision making: individuals and reality - Smith & Levin (1996) need for cognition and choice framing effects

What was the experiment? smith & levine (1996)

two experiments
participants were categorized as high or low in need for cognition on basis of need for cognition scale (petty, cacioppo & Kao 1984)
method 1: exposed to two versions of a choice problem (ticket frame, lose the ticket of ten dollar- money frame lose ten dollar)
method 2: exposed to scenario choice (mortality- survival frame)

What means this research in brother perspective? smith & levine (1996)

This study took into account the difference that individuals have their need for cognition and how this affects their susceptibility towards framing effects. the results are consistent with other research as well. Thus it is claimed that the effortful thought (high need for cognition) can reduce completely remove biases.
This research helps clatify the nature of choice framing effects.
the present work is consistent with the hypothesis that the more thought one devotes ta a decision, the less likely the distortion of that choice by framing effects.

What are the critcal points about this study? smith & levine (1996)

  1. it is unclear what the underlying process is; the mediating influence of cognitive effort has not been taken into account.
  2. when individuals do not have to justify their choise, increased thought can lead to polarization and bias.
  3. need for cognition is also important in persuasion, this study focuses only on decision making.

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