Groups as imperfection decision makers - Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996). Social corroboration and opinion extremity

5 important questions on Groups as imperfection decision makers - Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996). Social corroboration and opinion extremity

Why this research? Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996).

there is a positive relationship between opinion extremity & confidence (allport&hartman 1925). Individuals with extreme views are more confident in those views.
high confidence, more of arguments in favor pro of con position leads  to a lack of informational conflict, thus more extreme views.
having'ones pro/ con view corrobarated by others increases one's confidence.
corroboration leads to confidence leads to more extremity.
Baron et al propose that these analysis (the persuasion view and the social comparison view) are too limited.

What is the difference of this study with Sheriff's study? Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996).

In Sheriffs study (dots and lights on the wall) the participants convert to the average. this study shows different results. they moving away form the norm and get more extreme decisions.
The corrobaration of this study is different from that measured in Sheriff's study because here participants learn of other's feelings only AFTER making an initial public judgement & what is corroborated is their pro/ con choice and not a quantitative reflection of their attitude.

What is the research question? and expections? Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996).

persuasive arguments: could corrobaration of opinion be sufficient?
If one's pro/ con position is corrobarated by others, this increases confidence in one's opinion. this increased confidence could result in an increase in opinion extremity.
Baron et al (1996) test this assumption in four studies.
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What are the main conclusions? Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996).

studies 1-4: corroboration & contradiction of categorical judgments have noticeable effects on opinion extremity.
studie 3-4: preliminary evidence of mediation of participant confidence.
corroboration manipulations should have greatest impact in coditions that create or foster initially low confidence.

What can you telle about the mediating factor? Baron, Hoppe, Linneweh & Rogers (1996).

When you ad confidence as mediating factor, the direct influence can no longer be significant. you want to see drop in significantiness in the direct pad and the indirect pad has to be significant. otherwise you can not conclude that confidence mediate.

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