Anonymity & decision making: GDSS - McLeod, Baron, Marti & Yoon (1997). the eyes have it: minority influence in face-to face and computer-mediated group discussion

3 important questions on Anonymity & decision making: GDSS - McLeod, Baron, Marti & Yoon (1997). the eyes have it: minority influence in face-to face and computer-mediated group discussion

Why this research? McLeod (1997) the eyes have it

To examine the impact of GDSS (group decision support system) on minority opinions in decision making groups.

Hypotheses of this research; McLeod (1997) the eyes have it

The researchers want to see if GDSS discusion affects two apects of minority opinions (the expression of the minority opinions and the influence of those opinions once expressed).
according to the pain gain hypothesis: GDSS facilitates expression of minority opinions, but GDSS also reduces the influence of minority opinions. This is because of social presence; people pay less attention to minority opinion in anonymous setting.

What can you say about the experiment? McLeod (1997) the eyes have it

236 particpants, randomly asigned in groups of 4
design: 3 conditions: F2F, identified GDSS and anonymous GDSS.
procedure: hidden profile in an investment decision task; participants got information about three companies and decide which company is the most desirable. Three of them got partial information of the companies and the forth group member recieved all the information. this person would favor the correct rank order.
dependent measures: number of pieces unshared information, reactions to minority information, change in majority members'private opinion and decision quality.

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