Power, Leadership and decsision making - Notes

8 important questions on Power, Leadership and decsision making - Notes

What can you tell about power and leadership?

succes and failure contribute to the leader (footballcoach)
we also overestemate leaders (diederik stapel, berlusconi)
power is not necessairly a good thing.
jim jones leader of people's temple 900 people kill themselves

What are the bases of power?
French & raven 1959)

reward power (you have the resources)
coercive power (to force and punish)
legitimate power: authority which comes with a role in an arganization. for example airport when a customs official wants to search you. it is ok, but when a fellow passenger wants to search you, you think this to be extremely weird.
referent power: power attached to a person, charisma
expert power: because you have knowledge that others do not have.
informational power: you are the one who decides who speaks, who knows what. you control the flow of information.

What are power tactics?

soft vs hard: collaboration using socializing tactics vs imposing using threats.
rational vs non rational: reasoning, logic and persuasion vs emotional tactics.
unilateral vs bilateral: you decide using demands vs trying to reach mutual concensus by disussion or negotiation.
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How do people respond to someone with power?
kelman 1958

compliance: obedience, being afraid of consequenses.
identification: following because you admire the leader
internalization: followers really believe the leader.

Why doe people obey?

power of roles: prison experiment & millgram experiment
interpersonal complementarity positive thought to lead to positive; dominant behavior leads to subordinate behavior.
responsibility & agentic state: people in for instance the Millgram experiment did not feel personally responsible for their actions, but only responsible for pleasing the leader.
power of commitment: when people say yes to a first small request. they are more likely to say yes to a second bigger request. foot in the door technique.

Who has power? often there is consensus in groups who should be te leader.

personality certain traits make it more likely that you will lead (extrovert, socially skilled)
inteligence: often leaders are a little more intelligent, especially more social emotional intelligent.
participation: babble effect those who talk a lot are thought to know a lot.
expertice and experience
physical appearance: leaders are often taller, somewhat attractive and have a prominent jaw.
gender: leaders are still more oftne male; masculine traits are also often seen as leadership traits.
age : leaders are most often soemwhat older
ethnicity: leaders are still more often white
being different form the majority it is more difficult to become a leader.

What are the metamorphic effects of power?

Nietzsche said: Power corrupts. in a sence this is true. as soon as people have power they use it and tend to underestimate the influence and importance of subordinates and overestimate themselves.

Power and social behavior

  • power may induce more proself oriented behavior
  • people with elevated power tend to behave in more socially inappropriate ways
  • power increases moral hypocrisy.
according to Lammers, Stapel and Galinsky (2010) people in power become more asocial and respect distance less, and power increases moral hypocrisy (having stronger/ higher moral principles for others than for yourself)

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