Decision making: individuals and reality - Huizinga, Wetzels, van Ravenzwaaij & wagenmakers (2012). Four empirical tests of uncounsious thought theory

7 important questions on Decision making: individuals and reality - Huizinga, Wetzels, van Ravenzwaaij & wagenmakers (2012). Four empirical tests of uncounsious thought theory

Why this research? Huizinga (2012)

They tried to replicate Dijksterhuis' research methodology as closely as possible.

What is the unconscious thought theory? Huizinga (2012)

Two modes of thought: unconscious and conscious.
unconscious: better in solving complex tasks with many variables, task is outside of awareness. large capicity. weighting
conscious: better in solving tasks with fewer variables, focus on task, small capacity. lexicographic

What was study 1? Huizinga (2012)

H1: in a complex situations, it is better to make decisions unconsciously
H2: the quality of decisisons should increase with the duration of unconscious thought.
betwee subjects design:
7 conditions: 30 partcipants per condition.
decision task: choosing the right car.
testing H1:
2 conditions: unconscious versus conscious (4 min)
no decision goal
testing H2:
5 conditions: immediate (control group), conscious thought (4 min) 3 unconscious thought (2,4,8 min)
no support for H1
no suport forH 2
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What was study 2? Huizinga (2012)

Hypothesis (H3): unconscious thought is superior tp conscious thought under conditions that are likely to hold in real life decisions.

more real life conscious conditions
decisions task: choosing the right car
manipulation: 12 car attributes
3 conditions: 
  • unstructured conscious condition
  • structured conscious condition
  • unconscious condition.
results: no support for H3, so do not sleep on it!

What was study 4? Huizinga (2012)

test H4: modify the Dijksterhuis paradigm.

H4: participants in the unconscious strategy will use a weighting strategy, rather than a lexicographic strategy.

decision task; choose the best car
2 conditions:
  • unconscious condition
  • unstructured conscious condition
no support for H4

What were the strenghts of this research? Huizinga (2012)

replication Dijksterhuis
impact of decision strategy
more real life operationalization
no instructions for conditions
bigger sample than dijksterhuis

What were te weaknesses of this research? Huizinga (2012)

weaknesses of Dijksterhuis et al (2006a)
  • control of unconscious thought
  • time problem
  • clock ticking
chance level, internal validity, they did not contgral the chance of gambling
study 4; no control condition
in structions to participants
background information and interests participants
post choice satisfaction; only after the research not two weeks after the research.
students; most students are too poor to pay for a car

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