Technology Overview

21 important questions on Technology Overview

In a broadband cable network, which administrative groups maintains communication with installers, construction and maintenance technician, and the customer service departments?


In the United States, downstream broadband RF Signals traveling inside coaxial cable begin at what frequency?

54 MHz

What are the typical RF signal frequencies in the upstream path?

5 MHz to 42 MHz
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Where on the electromagnetic spectrum chart are the fiber-optic frequencies used in broadband cable systems located?

Fiber-optic signal frequencies used in broadband cable systems are located in the upper part of the infrared band, just below the visible light band.

What are the typical wavelengths for light transmission over fiber cable

1,310 and 1550 nanometers

What is bandwidth? How is the bandwidth of an analog or digital channel determined?

Bandwidth refers to how much information can be carried through a channel. An analog or digital channel's bandwidth is determined by the difference between the highest and lowest frequencies the channel occupies, as expressed in Hertz.

What bandwidth has an over-the-air TV Channel?

6 MHz

How is NTSC composed?

of 3 parts: video, audio and color

What is the bandwidth of the return path

5 MHz to 42 MHz

How is the impedance 75 ohms  of the cable determined

the relationship between the outside diameter of the center conductor, the inside of the center conductor and the density of the material

What are the 5 factors  that affect cable attenuation

1. Cable Diameter = smaller more attenuation
2. Frequency = higher more "
3. Distance = longer more
4. Temperature = higher more attenuation
5. Dielectric material = harder more attenuation

Why is it important for the broadband cable technician to understand radio frequency (RF) characteristics?

Understanding the characteristics of RF allows the cable technician to: (1) measure signals; (2) maintain proper signal levels; and (3) keep the network powered and protected for system-wide reliability.

List definitions for Ohm's law, voltage, current, resistance, and power.

Ohm's law states that current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance; Voltage is the electromotive force that causes electrons to move; current is a transfer of energy from electron to electron and is measured in amperes; resistance is the opposing force to electron flow that the conductor material provides and is measured in ohms; power, measured in watts, is the rate at which energy is consumed when voltage causes an electrical current to flow over a period of time.

What is the typically used to represent computer characters or words?


What is the difference between the base-10 and base-2 numbering systems?

Base-10 refers to the decimal system and base-2 to the binary system. The decimal system is based on 10 (mankind has used 10 fingers to count for eons); the decimal system is based on 1's and 0's and equates to voltage levels in computers.

What does the digital television picture look like when it is impaired? How does the cable technician know if the signal is failing?

Digital pictures typically give no indication of signal quality until tiling and blocking of the picture occur. When the problem is more severe the picture disappears altogether, which is called the cliff effect. Unlike signs such as ghosting and snow with analog television signal impairment, it is impossible to know if a digital signal is failing until it is too late, so it is important that the technician take signal level measurements at every installation or service repair.

How are RF signals measured in the cable industry?

RF signal levels are measured in decibel per millivolts (dBmV)—the ratio between two power levels—the measured level and a standard reference level. By using test equipment, such as the signal level meter (SLM), the technician can ensure that signals throughout the network are being maintained at proper levels.

What analog TV impairments are no longer problems in digital video?

Ghosting and snow

What happens as RF signals travels over cable

RF signal levels decrease over distance

What type of traffic is transported over a broadband cable network return path?

voice and data traffic among with communication via STB and other monitoring devices throughout the network

What are the 3 factors that determine a conductor's resistance

conductor diameter, length, temperature

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