Lecture bioinformatic databases - Wednesday - Economic evaluations

17 important questions on Lecture bioinformatic databases - Wednesday - Economic evaluations

How to reduce healthcare costs?

Preventing overtreatment
Not all care in all hospitals
Higher healthcare insurance premiums
Control wages and prices  
More care in the supplementary insurance
Less care in the basic insurance package

The last two are the best solutions to reduce healthcare costs for the public

Why do we have health economics?

- Reduce healthcare costs, stopping care that is too expensive
- Mandatory health insurance, should be worth the cost
- Willingness to pay more

What are the costs from a medical view?

- primary intervention (direct costs)
- complementary care or substitution (direct costs)
- costs in gained life years (indirect costs)
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What are the costs of societal perspective?

- Medical perspective + non-medical = societal

- Costs for patients and family (travel and time costs)
- Costs in other sectors (education, consumption)
     --> disability, absents, less efficient at work (presenteeism) etc.

--> also other points of view could be used: doctor, insurer, patient etc.

How are costs determined in the Netherlands?

From a societal perspective

In England, they look from the medical perspective.

Types of economic evaluations

- Cost of illness (CoI)
  • Costs associated with a diagnosis
  • No comparison of policies
- Cost-minimization analysis (CMA)
  • Which policy is less expensive
  • Without looking at effectiveness
- Societal Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA)
  • Costs and other societal influences
  • Evaluation of government policy  

There are four categories for cost-effectiveness analysis, which four?

Worse - less expensive is not implemented
Better -  less expensive is always implemented

The other two depends on the effectiveness ratio: extra costs/extra effectiveness

How is the cost-effectiveness ratio calculated?

Extra costs / extra effectiveness = price-quality ratio

When can the Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) be applied?

To compare treatments within a disease, not to compare between diseases.

What analysis can be used to compare between diseases?

Cost-Utility analysis (CUA), a special case of CEA. The effectiveness is measured by quality adjusted life years.

What is disease burden?

The disease burden = combination of length and quality of life
-> measures are healthy life years and quality-adjusted life years

What is the difference between healthy life years and quality adjusted life years?

HLY = life expectancy without (chronic) illness, relatively simple and based on prevalences. It weighs every disease equal to dying

QALYs = life expectancy adjusted for quality of life, weighs by utility (=value of QoL). Possibly with discounting = weighing the future less than the present

Is discounting (giving less weight to the future) favorable or unfavorable for prevention?

Unfavorable, because costs are counted now and effectiveness and savings later

What is the area under the utility curve?


What is an advantage and disadvantage about QALYs?

- No value
  • Only measures health outcome (ignores process, ethics, relations, prognosis, purpose in life etc)
  • A meager measure for 'the good life'
-   Discrimination against the elderly and the less healthy
  • Higher age gives less benefit from improving QoL
  • Poor health gives less benefit from living longer

- Broadly applicable and comparable
- Patient's health is what counts
- Suitable as an economic assessment framework

How is ICUR calculated? = incremental cost utility ratio

Increase costs / increase QALYs

If you want to compare two scenario's, the cost-effectiveness ratio is often used. How do you calculate this ratio?

Extra costs/extra outcome (compared to next-best alternative)

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