Lecture bioinformatic databases - Thursday - Data management and protection

6 important questions on Lecture bioinformatic databases - Thursday - Data management and protection

Which 4 steps do you need to take into account to reach privacy in an experiment?

1. Awareness - be aware that data can be identifiable
2. Do not collect if not necessary
3. If necessary, take measures -> replace by less identifying information or separate data (pseudonymize)
4. Protect

What is included in an informed consent?

- Purpose of research, what data and who has access
- Opportunity to ask questions
- Enough time to think about participation
- Able to make informed choice
- Opportunity to withdraw from study at any time

What is identifying data?

Any information relating to an identifiable person
--> identifying by a single variable or combination of variables in one dataset
--> identifying by a combination of sources, with proportionate time and effort (hospital numbers etc.)
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What is the opposite of identifying data?

Anonymous data -> almost never occurs with medical data

How can you store your data safely?

Measures for availability and security.
- protected: fire wall, safe network, encrypt mobile devices
- back-up and recovery; copies
- back-up person
- access minimization: only access when needed

Where do you best store your data?

The I folder: department drive. The data is backed-up and secured also more people can access the data

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