Lecture bioinformatic databases - Tuesday - ANOVA

6 important questions on Lecture bioinformatic databases - Tuesday - ANOVA

How are residuals for ANOVA calculated?

Xi - xgem or yi - ygem

Why do we need a Bonferroni correction with multiple tests?

If we perform many tests, each time we might make a type I error. Chance for type I error is 0.05 (if alpha level is 0.05) --> 5 in 100 tests are significant even if H0 is true for all tests. Therefore, necessary to correct as we want an error of 0.05 across all tests.

What does rejecting the null hypothesis with ANOVa means?

There exists a difference, but it is not said where. Post-hoc analysis tries to identify the difference
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Where is two way ANOVA used for? And one-way ANOVA?

One-way = one variable
Two-way =  two variables (gender and length) and to correct for confounding
--> H0 - all means are the same, when corrected for other factors

How is F calculated?

F(x) = Var(x)/Var(e)

What is the null hypothesis for two-way anova?

All means are te same, when corrected for other factors

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