Inventory Management and Risk Pooling - Single stage inventory - Multiple order opportunities

4 important questions on Inventory Management and Risk Pooling - Single stage inventory - Multiple order opportunities

Why does the distributor hold inventory? Name three reasons.

  1. To satisfy demand occurring during lead time
  2. To protect against uncertainty in demand
  3. To balance annual inventory holding costs and annual fixed order costs

Which two types of policies for managing inventory effectively exist?

  1. Continuous review policy
  2. Periodic review policy

What is continuous review policy?

In this policy is inventory reviewed continuously, and an order is placed when the inventory reaches a particular level, or reorder point. This type of policy is most appropriate when inventory can be continuously reviewed.
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What is periodic review policy?

In this policy is the inventory level reviewed at regular intervals and an appropriate quantity is ordered after each review. This type of policy is most appropriate for systems in which it is impossible or inconvenient to frequently review inventory and place orders if necessary.

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