Network Planning - Network design - Solution techniques

5 important questions on Network Planning - Network design - Solution techniques

Which two techniques are usually employed in optimizing the configuration of the logistics network?

  1. Mathematical optimization techniques that include:
    a) Exact algorithms that are guaranteed to find optimal solutions, that is, least-cost solutions
    b) Heuristic algorithms that find good solutions, not necessarily optimal solutions.
  2. Simulation models that provide a mechanism to evaluate specified design alternatives created by the designer.

What is the value of optimization-based techniques?

These tools can determine strategies that will significantly reduce the total system cost.

What is the value of simulation-based techniques?

Simulation-based tools take into account the dynamics of the system and are capable of characterizing system performance for a given design.
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What is included in a simulation-based techniques?

  1. Individual ordering pattern
  2. Specific inventory policies
  3. Inventory movements inside the warehouse

When detailed system dynamics is an important issue, it makes sense to utilize the following two-stage approach. How can advantage been taken of the strengths of both simulation- and optimization-based approach?

  1. Use an optimization model to generate a number of least-cost solutions at the macrolevel, taking into account the most important cost components.
  2. Use a simulation model to evaluate the solutions generated in the first phase.

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