Alliances articles - Oxley&Sampson: The scope and governance of international R&D alliances
13 important questions on Alliances articles - Oxley&Sampson: The scope and governance of international R&D alliances
Firms engaging in R&D alliances must find the right balance between maintaining open knowledge exchange to further the technological development of the alliance and controlling knowledge flows to avoid unintended leakage of valuable technology. What researches O&S regarding this balance?
Scope decisions (f.e. only R&D or also manufactoring/marketing alliance) have important implications, for what? (O&S)
What for collboration is recommended when alliance objectives require partners to share complex/tacit knowledge, especially in technology innovative projects? (O&S)
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Determining alliance scope is one of the most important tasks alliance partners will undertake. The more extensive, interdependent, complex and uncertain the activities are performed in the alliance, the greater the risk of opportunism. What is the result of this? (O&S)
When joining in all the activities seems the best option, why do firms isolate R&D activities from other aspects of the process? (O&S)
What is the consequence of increasment of the scope of the alliance? (O&S)
When will the goal of the alliance be thwarted (gedwarsboomd)? (O&S)
More knowledge sharing > More partners look a like over time (resemble) > undermining rarity and inimitability of resources. What is the result of this? (O&S)
What is the effect of partners having an extensive or (almost) no overlap in technological areas on the scope? (O&S)
What happens when alliance partners are very far apart in terms of their technological area (O&S)?
What conclude O&S regarding the technological overlap, absorptive capacity and the scope?
Why is the JC a much chosen form bij collaboration? (O&S)
What is the overall conclusion of O&S?
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