The fit drivers and tests - The concept of fit
5 important questions on The fit drivers and tests - The concept of fit
What is meant with 'fit for purpose' and why is it important?
Which 4 fit drivers are there, and describe them:
Corporate strategy is about what product-market areas to compete in and how to manage the portfolio of business. But how to achieve to 'add valua as manager' is often vague. The remedy is the parenting advantage test (does the design allocate sufficient attention to the intended sources of added value and strategic initiatives of the corporate parent?). Which analysis involves this test?
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Build organization around personal preferences and desires. People problems: overlook limitations people, overestimate ease of acquiring/ teaching new skills/attitudes. This can be solved by making realisatic judgement of strengths and weaknesses of existing and 'to hire new' staff. This can be done with the people test (does the design adequately reflect the motivations, strengths and weaknesses of the available people?), which involves three steps, which 3?
Constraints (catch them all) consist of: legal/governmental issues (f.e. laws), institutional and stakeholder issues (f.e. preferences major shareholders), local culture (f.e. unions/pressure groups), and internal issues (f.e. IT capabilities and internal culture). What does the feasibility test (does the design take account of the constraints that may make the proposal unworkable?) involves?
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