Alliances articles - Wang&Zajac: Allianc or acquisition? A dyadic perspective on interfirm resource combinations
13 important questions on Alliances articles - Wang&Zajac: Allianc or acquisition? A dyadic perspective on interfirm resource combinations
What is the core of the research of W&Z?
Which 3 types of paired-firm characteristics are influencing the choise to choose for an alliance or an acquisition? (W&Z)
Define business similarity and business complementarity (W&Z)?
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What is the effect of business similarity and complementarity to a firms' acquisition/alliance? (W&Z)
What do W&Z mean with potential synergie (a value-creating and value-claiming issue that declares the differences in desirability of an alliance or acquisition)
What do W&Z mean with compatibility of economic interests (a value-creating and value-claiming issue that declares the differences in desirability of an alliance or acquisition)?
What do W&Z mean with informational/knowledge risks (a value-creating and value-claiming issue that declares the differences in desirability of an alliance or acquisition)?
What are the advantages of alliances? (W&Z)
What does the real option theory suggests (W&Z)?
Where do relational capabilities of a firm refer to? (W&Z)
Which 2 types of relation capabilities of a firm are there? (W&Z)
> If 2 firms have more combined relational capabilities, then its more likely that they will transform these capabilities into economic benefits in similar transactions in the future.
What is the danger of not knowing the transacting partner, thus asymmetrical information? (W&Z)
Summarize the 6 results of the research of W&Z:
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