Questionnaire development I: Measurement error and question writing

4 important questions on Questionnaire development I: Measurement error and question writing

When does a survey question contributes to response error?

When respondents do not understand it as intended, or when all respondents do not interpret the question the same way. In addition, the question often specifies how the answer is to be provided.

What is a five-stage model of the response process?

1. Assimilate the survey question and relevant instructions.
2. Comprehend (or interpret) the question and response format.
3. Recall information to answer.
4. Formulate or estimate an answer.
5. Report (or edit answer to fit) the question's response format.

What is the cooperative principle of conversation?

A tacit set of assumptions about how everyday conversations progress efficiently that can be expressed as maxims that guide conversational exchanges.
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What are three fundamental characteristics of a good questionnaire?

1. The questionnaire is a valid measure of the factors of interest;
2. it convinces respondents to cooperate, and;
3. it elicts acceptably accurate information.

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