Data collection II: Controlling error in data collection - Data collection costs and contingencies: planning for the unexpected

4 important questions on Data collection II: Controlling error in data collection - Data collection costs and contingencies: planning for the unexpected

What is the most expensive stage in most surveys?

Data collection.

How is the construction of a task list started?

By listing the survey activities by three periods: tasks that have to be completed prior to data collection, those that occur during data collection, and those done after data collection.

What calculation can be used to estimate the hours needed for interviewing?

Total interview hours = (interview length x sample size x interviewer efficiency rate) / 60
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What is interviewer efficiency rate (IER)?

An estimate (based on past experience) of how much time is spent in ancillary activities (dialing nonproductive numbers, handling sample, taking breaks, etc.). for each minute of actual interviewing time.

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