Questionnaire development II: questionnaire structure

5 important questions on Questionnaire development II: questionnaire structure

What sections has a questionnaire?

a. Introduction.
b. Respondent selection.
c. Substantive questions.
d. Background questions.
e. Postinterview questions.

What are three general reasons for obtaining background information?

1. Our analysis may require them.
2. We may want to compare the demographic distributions in our study to census data to assess the representativeness of our sample.
3. If we decide do use poststratification weights, these data will also be needed.

In what two categories fall postinterview questions?

1. Information about the interview just completed.
2. The names of secondary sources if we plan to recontact the respondents or to send them a copy of the survey results.
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What is a possible by-product of trying to provide helpful information, or transitions?

The introduction of bias.

What are two key elements of the principle of universal presentation?

1. All respondents should be presented with the same question and response categories, regardless of mode.
2. The meaning and intent of the questino and response options must be consistent.

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