Data collection: selecting a method

6 important questions on Data collection: selecting a method

Before considering alternative modes in detail, an initial assessment on what four dimensions should determine wether a potential choice imposes a serious constraint on some requirement of the survey?

1. Population: will this method pose difficulties for a substantial portion of the target population?
2. Respons quality: will any characteristics of this method discourage accurate answers?
3. Questionnaire design: what constraints does this method impose on the questionnaire?
4. Sampling: what constraints does this method impose on getting a sample of respondents?

What happens if the mode imposes constraints or has other problems?

It may contribute to an increase in error.

What are two effective means of increasing mail response rates?

1. Incentives (include with initial request).
2. Repeated follow-up attemps.
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What poses the social interface theory?

The social interface theory postulates that: "humanizing cues in a computer interface can engender responses from users similar to human-human interactions".

What would be an advantage and a disadvantage of humanizing cues in a computer interface?

Advantage: virtual interviewers or other personalizing techniques could be used to establish a greater sense of rapport with the resulting benefits associated with interviewer-administered surveys.
Disadvantage: humanizing cues may produce social desirability effects.

What is the key element of face-to-face surveys?

That the respondent and interviewer are together in the same location.

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