Questionnaire development III: Pretesting - Conventional pretests and interviewer debriefings

3 important questions on Questionnaire development III: Pretesting - Conventional pretests and interviewer debriefings

What is a conventional pretest?

In conventional pretests, a small number of respondents, usually 20 to 40, are interviewed. The exact procedures planned for the main study are followed. After this interviewing takes place, a debriefing meeting is held with the interviewers.

What two things are useful to do prior to pretesting - with interviewers?

1. The interviewers should be trained just as you plan to do for the main study.
2. If the interviewers have not done pretesting before, it is a good idea to spend a little time discussing the purpose of the pretest and what kinds of information you want the interviewers to note.

How is a interviewers debriefing generally organized?

* Overview of the pretest, including any serious problems of respondent resistance to participation or to particular interview topics.
* Question-by-question problem identification.
* Question-by-question suggestions for revision.
* Summary comments on how well or badly the pretest went and on the main issues to be addressed before actual data collection or addiitional pretesting commences.

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