Sampling I: Concepts of sample representation and sample quality

7 important questions on Sampling I: Concepts of sample representation and sample quality

What are four meanings of representative sampling?

1. Miniature of the population.
2. Coverage of the population.
3. Representative sampling as goud enough for a particular purpose.
4. Representative sampling as permitting good estimation.

How can a sample be a miniature of the population?

If the important characteristics of the population are contained, in their proper proportions, in the sample.

What is the population or universe?

The set of elements about which you would like to draw conclusions.
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What is a census?

If a sample captures the entire population.

What are tree broad reasons why results from a sample might not generalize?

1. (Random) sampling error.
2. Sample bias.
3. Nonsampling error.

Where may imperfect samplse be useful for?

1. Purposes of exploration or screening.
2. Testing relationships.
3. Academic research.

What are three paths of academic research to generalization?

1. Through theory (theoratical generalization). Academic research typically states and tests hypotheses, the research is confirmatory, not inferential. Any sample will do for this purpose.
2. Through sampling process (probabilistic generalization).
3. Through replication (empirical generalization).

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