Data collection II: Controlling error in data collection

7 important questions on Data collection II: Controlling error in data collection

Why are we concerned about unit response?

Because it occurs for reasons that often result in systematic patterns of missing information. To the extent that opinions and behaviors differ by subgroups, their overrepresentation or underrepresentation will affect results.

What is an equation used to examine how unit nonresponse can potentially affect bias in survey estimates?

Bias is the product of two factors:
1. Unit nonresponse: 1 minus the response rate (cooperating respondends/sample size).
2. Difference between respondents and nonrespondents for the mean value of a particular variable.

What are four general obligations researchers have to the people who provide data in research studies?

1. Participants should not be harmed.
2. Participants should not be deceived.
3. Participation should be willing and informed.
4. Data should be held in confidence.
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What are factors  that can influence the respondent's decision to participate in a survey?

* The survey topic
* The survey sponsor
* A respondents' predisposition to participate in any survey
* The social context in which the survey occurs
* The survey administration procedures: advance letter, survey introduction, monetary incentives etc.
* Interview behaviors

Where does the acronym CASIC (computer-assistend survey information collection) refers to?

To the wide and expanding array of computer-driven technologies used to collect and manage survey data.

What are the two major CASIC tools?

Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) and computer-assited personal interviewing (CAPI). Both methods allow interviewers to enter survey responses into a computer while conducting a interview.

What are three sources of problematic interactions between interviewers and respondents?

1. The questionnaire
2. The interviewer
3. The respondent

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