Diagnostic criteria and codes - depressive disorders

6 important questions on Diagnostic criteria and codes - depressive disorders

What are the domains for depressive disorders?

  1. disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
  2. major depressive disorder
  3. persistent depressive disorder (dysthemia)
  4. premenstrual dysphoric disorder
  5. substance/medication-induced depressive disorder
  6. depressive disorder due to another medical condition
  7. other specified depressive disorder
  8. unspecified depressive disorder
  9. specifiers for depressive disorder

What is criteria A for major depressive disorder?

Five or more of the following symptoms > 2 week, most of the day, nearly every day. At least one of the symptoms is depressed mood or loss of interest/pleasure: (same as in bipolar chapter)
  • Depressed mood (in children can be irritable mood)
  • Loss of interest or pleasure
  • Weight loss or weight gain.
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Psychomotor agitation (restless) or retardation (slow movement)
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt.
  • Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness
  • Recurrent thoughts of death, also suicidal ideation

What is criteria A for persistent depressive disorder (dysthemia)?

Depressed mood for most of the day for at least 2 years (children and adolescents 1 year). Not a period of more than two months without.
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What is criteria B for persistent depressive disorder?

Presence while depressed (at least 2):
  • Poor appetite or overeating
  • Insomnia or hyposomnia
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Low self-esteem
  • Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions
  • Feelings of hopelessness 

What is criteria A for depressive disorder due to another medical condition?

Prominent and persistent period of depressed mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities that predominates in the clinical picture.

Specifiers for depressive disorder due to another medical condition?

Specify if:
  • With depressive features: Full criteria are not met for a major depressive episode.
  • With major depressive–like episode: Full criteria are met (except Criterion C) for a major depressive episode.
  • With mixed features: Symptoms of mania or hypomania are also present but do not predominate in the clinical picture.

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