Diagnostic criteria and codes - personality disorders - personality change due to another medical condition

4 important questions on Diagnostic criteria and codes - personality disorders - personality change due to another medical condition

What is criteria A for personality change due to another medical condition?

A persistent personality disturbance that represents a change from the individual’s previous characteristic personality pattern.

Note: In children, the disturbance involves a marked deviation from normal development or a significant change in the child’s usual behavior patterns, lasting at least 1 year.

What is criteria B for personality change due to another medical condition?

There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the direct pathophysiological consequence of another medical condition.

What is criteria D for personality change due to another medical condition?

The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium
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Specifiers for personality change due to another medical condition?

Specify whether:
  • Labile type: If the predominant feature is affective lability.
  • Disinhibited type: If the predominant feature is poor impulse control as evidenced by sexual indiscretions, etc.
  • Aggressive type: If the predominant feature is aggressive behavior.
  • Apathetic type: If the predominant feature is marked apathy and indifference.
  • Paranoid type: If the predominant feature is suspiciousness or paranoid ideation.
  • Other type: If the presentation is not characterized by any of the above subtypes. Combined type: If more than one feature predominates in the clinical picture.
  • Unspecified type 

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