Negative Peer Relations - Peer Relations and Developmental Psychopathology

6 important questions on Negative Peer Relations - Peer Relations and Developmental Psychopathology

What are the 3 subgroups of social withdrawal?

1. Anxious-withdrawn: high desire to connect, but also withdraw out of fearfulness and anxiety.
2. Unsocial: no strong desire to connect, but also don’t fear it.
3. Socially avoidant: no strong desire to connect and do fear interaction when it happens.

What is the developmental cascade?

Socially withdrawn behaviors and resulting peer difficulties and lower social skills may conjointly influence the development of later internalizing symptoms.

What is peer victimization?

Experiences in which one has been the target of intentional and repeated aggression from peers.
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What is the difference between reactive aggression and proactive aggression?

Reactive aggression: aggression that serves as a function of behaviorally expressing internal feelings of frustation.
Proactive aggression: aggression that is cold-blooded, planful, manipulative and strategic, and it involves the use of aggression to obtain a specific reward.

What are passive and aggressive victims of bullying?

Passive victims have greater levels of internalizing distress and may be psysically smaller and weaker than their bullies.
Aggressive victims are characterized by poor emotional regulation skills, hostile attribution biases, and they tend to be less strategic in their selection of aggression towards targets.

What is default selection in terms of peer relationships?

Children become friends with other isolated, troubled children, because they have difficulty forming a healthy relationships with 'normal' children.

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