How Parents affect Children's Social Lives - Socialization in the Family

18 important questions on How Parents affect Children's Social Lives - Socialization in the Family

What is the ecological theory?

This theory introduced the recognition that families are embedded in other social systems as well as culture.

What is the tripartite model?

This mdoel proposes three pathways through which parents influence their children:
  1. Parent-child interaction
  2. Parent as direct instruction
  3. Parent as provider of opportunities

What are parental styles and what are parenting practices?

Parenting styles: overall emotional climate of parent-child relationship.
Parenting practices: specific behaviors aimed to socialize the child.
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What is the typological approach?

This approach assigns certain parent-child interactions into parenting categories. The most influential typology is Baumrind's parental child-rearing typology.

What is the dimensional approach?

This approach proposes that there is a more in-depth focus on different parenting dimensions.
An example of such a dimension is control.

What is behavioral control?

This type of control is characterized by making expectations clear, monitoring and rules. Behavioral control seems to reduce externalizing problems.

What is psychological control?

This type of control is characterized by contingent love, guilt indication and conditional attention, which is only effective short-term, but long term fosters internalizing problems.

What is the parent-child interactional approach?

This approach proposes that face-to-face interaction with parents may provide the opportunity to learn, rehearse and refine social skills.

What are affect-management skills?

The understanding and regulation of affective displays.

What is the social information processing model?

The steps we go through when we interact with other.

What are cognitive representational models?

Internal mental representations of how things go in your social life. These cognitive representations are transmitted across generations.

What is attention regulation?

The process through which familiar socialization experiences influence children's social competence. This includes the ability to attend to relevant cues, to sustain attentiion, to refocus attention through such processes as cognitive distraction, and cognitive restructuring.
Developmental changes in attention:
  • 8-10 months: ability to focus attention (sustained attention)
  • 9-18 months: attention becomes more voluntary
  • 30 months: improvement in attention switching 

Which other (besides the parent-child dyad) family systems influence the parent-child interaction?

  • Marital (parent-parent) relationship
  • Sibling relationship
  • Sibling-parent relationship

What is the spillover hypothesis?

This hypothesis proposes that the mood or behavior in one subsystem transfers to another subsystem.

What is the compensatory hypothesis?

This hypothesis proposes that positive parent-child relationhips can be maintained even in the face of marital conflict and can serve as a buffer on children.

What is the difference between constructive and destructive conflict?

The difference between constructive and destructive conflict is the outcome, mainly. Constructive conflict leads to a positive outcome that mostly involves conflict resolution. However, destructive conflicts (physical conflict, shouting) usually end up with negative outcomes.

What is the three-domain model of the determinants of parenting?

According to this model parenting is determined and influences by:
  1. Characteristics of the child
  2. Personal resources of the parents
  3. Contextual source of stress and support

What two forms take child characteristics?

1. Universal predispositions: shared by all children.
2. Individual differences

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