Friendship across the Lifespan

4 important questions on Friendship across the Lifespan

What is the social need perspective on social relationships?

The benefits derived from relationships are called social provisions. Interactional processes are about how friends treat each other. Together these provisions and processen make up friendship quality.
(Usually, we find those different needs in different people/friends. Because not everyone has all those features in them, so we have different friends for different friends.)

What is the intergroup contact hypothesis?

This hypothesis states that engaging children from different ethnic and cultural groups in cooperative activities together promotes the development of cross-group friendship.

What are sociometric measures?

They qualitatively assess aspects of social relationships, such as social acceptance and social status. Here, it is possible to model a complete network, so that relationships between all people in a specific context become clear.
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What are the 2 types of friendships that can be distinguished?

1. Reciprocal
2. Unilateral
  • Given
  • Received 

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