Loneliness across the Lifespan - Clinical Import and Interventions

7 important questions on Loneliness across the Lifespan - Clinical Import and Interventions

What are the 3 dimensions of loneliness?

1. Intimate loneliness (=emotional loneliness)
  • The perceived absence of a significant someone
  • Inner core
2. Relational loneliness (=social loneliness)
  • The perceived absence of quality friendships or family connects
  • Sympathy group
3. Collective loneliness
  • A person's valued social identities
  • Active network

What is the difference between emotional and social loneliness?

Emotional loneliness: intimate relations and the quality of these relations. If someone is emotionally lonely, they miss close emotional attachment.
Social loneliness: missing a sense of belonging and social integration. There is a desire for more relations, to hang out and do activities together.

What are common sources of loneliness?

  • Life-events (moving, losing someone)
  • Social environment
  • Limited access to support
  • Lack of social skills
  • Genes
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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What is the diathesis stress hypothesis?

People are more sensitive to negative environments.

What is the vantage sensitivity hypothesis?

People are less senstitive to positive environments.

What is the pyramid of prevention for loneliness?

1. Primary preventions: not aimed at specific people and are therefore very broad.
2. Secondary preventions: aimed at specific groups of people and include methods that target problems that are unique to these groups.
3. Tertiary prevention: intervention, aimed at people who already have problems.

What are types of interventions and what works best?

1. Increase opportunities for interactions
2. Provide social support
3. Social skills training
4. CBT (cognitive behavior theory)
CBT is the most effective, but only for people who experience prolonged loneliness.

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