Romantic Relationships across the Lifespan - Romantic Relationships of Youth

9 important questions on Romantic Relationships across the Lifespan - Romantic Relationships of Youth

What are romantic relationships?

Romantic relationships are defined as mutually acknowledged ongoing voluntary interactions; these relationships typically have a distinctive intensity, which is usually marked by expressions of affection and sexual behavior.

What are romantic experiences?

A broad range of other experiences, emotions and cognitions outside of particular relationships.

What is the multifaceted framework of romantic relationships?

1. Presence and number of relationships
2. Relationship features such as qualities, cognitions and emotions
3. Characteristics of the self and the partner
4. The history of the relationship
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What are the dimensions of romantic relationships?

Dimensions of romantic involvement: Y-axis
  • Romantic/serious/consolidated vs casual/explorative
Dimensions of intimacy: X-axis
  • A-sexual vs sexual

What is the behavioral needs theory?

This theory proposes that romantic partners become major figures in the functioning of the attachment, caregiving, affiliative and sexual behavioral systems.

What are the 6 different types of dyads in middle adolescence?

1. Commensurate relationships
  • High on affiliation and romance (both partners)
2. Romantic relationships
  • High on romance, but low on affiliation (both partners)
3. Affiliative
  • High on affiliation, but low on romance (both partners)
4. Female oriented relationships
  • Female score high on both and men low on both
5. Men oriented relationships
  • Men score high on both en female low on both
6. Non-love relationships
  • Low on affiliation and romance (both partners)

What is the developmental phase theory?

According this theory, the emergence of romantic relationships develops in accordance to the age of adolescence and young adults.
  • Initiation phase (Early adolescence: 11-13 years)
  • Status / affiliation phase (Mid adolescence: 14-16 years)
  • Affection (or Intimate) phase (Late adolescence: 17-20 years)
  • Bonding / committed phase (Early adulthood: 21 years)

What is the soft-phase model?

According to this model, the importance of romantic relationships increases with age and along with this change in importance, the characteristic of these relationships also shift.

What is the developmental task model?

The exploration of intimate relationships is a normative developmental task, but while it is only emerging in adolescence, it becomes a salient developmental task in young adulthood.

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