Social Relations and Health across the Lifespan - Interpersonal Mechanisms

9 important questions on Social Relations and Health across the Lifespan - Interpersonal Mechanisms

What is social stress?

Events that onvolving a significant interaction with another person or which directly affected the relationship with another person.

What is the threat-defense response?

An evolutionary response that is activated in the case of survival threat, such as social threat.

What are the 5 responses to social stress?

  • Physical responses
    • Pain
  • Cognitive responses
    • Thoughts
  • Emotional responses
    • Trier's social test
  • Physiological responses
    • Cortisol, adrenaline
  • Molecular responses
    • Inflammation
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What is social pain and what are 2 functions of it (physical responses to social stress)?

When we experience social stress, we feel social pain, which overlaps largely with physical pain.
Two functions:
  • Aversiveness of pain
    • Avoid situations that might threaten social inclusion
    • Move away from sources of rejection
  • Quick response to social threats
    • Activation of threat response systems

What is secure base support?

Describes how close relationships help people enhance  their positive well-being by facilitating exploration, goal strivings and personal growth in the absence of stress or adversity.

What are the physicological responses to social stress?

Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis responses
  • Cortisol
    • Cortisol increases to social-evaluative stress
    • Cortisol increases a lot more when people who were evaluated

Sympathetic nervous system responses
  • Adrenaline, noradrenaline (cause the production of adrenaline)

What are the molecular responses to social stress?

Inflammation = primary response of immune system:

  • Regulated at the gene level
  • Proinflammatory cytokines
In the conserved transcriptional response to adversity, proinflammatory genes are up regulated, while antiviral genes are downregulated to conserve energy for an effective inflammation.
Adrenaline and noradrenaline stimulate cytokine release.

What are the proinflammation responses associated with brain reactivity?

  • Amygdala
  • dACC
  • Anterior insula

What is perceived partner responsiveness?

The extent to which people believe that interaction partners understand, validate and care for them.

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