Changes in Social Networks across the Lifespan - Social Network Changes

7 important questions on Changes in Social Networks across the Lifespan - Social Network Changes

What is the difference between social networks and social groups?

Group belonging can occur without (repeated) interaction and groups are often performance-oriented and share goals.

What are different types of social networks?

  • Global network (= social network)
  • Personal network (= support network)
  • Friendship network
  • Family network
  • Work-related network

What are social ties?

You have social ties with all people from your global network but not all of these ties are the same.
  • Strong ties (personal network)
  • Weak ties (acquaintances)
  • Absent ties (casual meetings, e.g. bus driver)
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There are two approaches to looking at social networks. What are they and how do they work?

  1. Ego networks: a single individual has to describe the social network from only their perspective.
  2. Complete networks: looking at the relationships within a group of people and the corresponding group dynamics.

What is the social emotional selectivity theory?

This theory describes how social goals, and therefore social relationships, change over time due to shifts in perspectives on how much time on has left to live.
Two types of goals:
  1. Knowledge / information aquisition goals > more important during adolescene and young adulthood
  2. Emotion regulation goals > more important after young adulthood and the rest of adult life 

What is the social convoy theory?

This theory holds that people maintain a network of social relationships that escorts them of the life course like a convoy. Relationships in this convoy differ in levels of closeness and dependency. Shifts can also occur because of life events.

What are the two types of life events?

Normative life events
  • Puberty
  • Marriage
  • First job
Non-normative life events 
  • Death of family member
  • Divorce

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