Social Status, Selection and Influence - Peer Status and Psychopathology

5 important questions on Social Status, Selection and Influence - Peer Status and Psychopathology

What are the 2 contructs of measueres of peer status?

1. Likebility
2. Popularity

What are the three measures of how likebility can be derived?

1. Social preference
  • Stadardized difference score of each child, based on how many times they were selected like most and like least
2. Social impact
  • Summing standardized like most and like least scores
  • Dimensional approach
3. Sociometric status
  • Combination of like most, like least, social impact and social preference scores
  • Classification approach

What are cognitive vulnerability models of depression?

These models suggest that a tendency to interpret negative life events as due to internal, global and stable causes may be associated with depression risk when combined with a stressful experience.
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What are self-discrepancy theories?

These theories suggest that a disparity between an ideal and actual self-image may be especially relevant for understanding psychological adjustment.

What are iatrogenic effect?

Unintended effects that can lead to disadvantages for the participants and even cause the intervention to fail or have negative effects.

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