Language Acquisition - Different Memory systems and functions

5 important questions on Language Acquisition - Different Memory systems and functions

Old vs. New view about origin explicit and implicit memory

Old view: implicit first, then explicit memory
Now: different (partly overlapping) memory systems which improve in functionality throughout the first months and years of life

Bachevalier and Mishkin: infant monkeys:

Visual recognition task:
a form of explicit memory as it could only be successfully performed by bringing to mind what had been observed in a single learning episode

Habit task: over several days grasping a target object was rewarded

Lesions to PFC are associated with

Deficits in retrieval, especially of episodic and autobiographical memories
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Classical conditioning in infants:

  • 10-, 20- 30-day-old infants
  • implicit memory system for conditioning is present
  • Classical eyelid conditioning procedure

Age influenced long-term retention

A reliable memory component was observed in the second session performance of infant initially trained at 20 and 30 days but not at 10 days thus conditioning can have associated response conservation for long time

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