The physical world & executive functions - Executive functions

9 important questions on The physical world & executive functions - Executive functions

Tasks of lesion study PFC

  • Motor differentiation task
  • repetition in sequential taks

Study lesion PFC

Effects of frontal lobectomy and found difference from before in motor differentiation tasks & repetitions in sequential tasks

Classical test to check flexibility and strategy planning

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)
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Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

Neuropsychological test of "set-shifting", looking at the ability to display flexibility in the face of changing schedules of reinforcement

Dependent measure WCST

Time taken for the participant to learn the new rules and the mistakes made during this learning process

Schröter et al (2004) showed

Children and adolescents are impaired in the stroop task.
Adolescence still have problem in inhibiting their response because PFC is still developing

Two types of executive functions

  • Cool executive function
  • Hot executive function

Cool executive function

Purely cognitive tasks

Hot executive function

Making decisions about events that have emotionally significant consequences

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