Clip 2 - Key Research and Reviews - De Pelsmacker et al., 2018 - Key Findings

4 important questions on Clip 2 - Key Research and Reviews - De Pelsmacker et al., 2018 - Key Findings

What are the 3 key findings that we can take away from the article?

  1. Review volume drives room occupancy and review valence (positivity) impacts income per room;
  2. Digital marketing strategies-tactics affect volume and valence of online reviews and, indirectly, hotel performance;
  3. This is more outspoken in chain hotels than in independent hotels, and in higher-star hotels than in lower-tier hotels.

Review volume helps in room occupancy, what is important to keep in mind when thinking of the this?

The more reviews you have and maintain a good rating gives a sense of credibility.

How does digital marketing strategies effect volume and valence and eventually the hotel performance?

Through some sort of mediation effect. Higher volume and higher positive reviews will be looked at by potential customers who will want to stay in that hotel more.
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Then when identifying the moderating effect where can this be found?

The effect of digital marketing strategies on volume and valence is higher for chain hotels than independent hotels and for hotels with more stars.

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