Clip 2 - Key Research and Reviews - Firm's Responsiveness - Sheng, 2019

3 important questions on Clip 2 - Key Research and Reviews - Firm's Responsiveness - Sheng, 2019

This article looked into the firm's responsiveness. We can see that the number of reviews have increased and the number of responses, why the latter as well?

Because companies have realised that just looking at the reviews is not the only thing, you must respond to them and solve the problems to show customers that you care about hem.

What is the effect of firm's online activeness (responsiveness) on customer engagement? List the 3 things

  1. Responsive firms have larger daily and future review volume than non-responsive firms;
  2. Responsive speed also have a positive impact on customer review volume;
  3. Response length found to have NO significant impact on review volume.

What is the overall conclusion based on this research?

To create more customer engagement, be responsive, respond fast with short-concise responses.

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