Clip 5 - Mobile Marketing: Time, Location And Other Situational Effects - Fong et al, 2015
6 important questions on Clip 5 - Mobile Marketing: Time, Location And Other Situational Effects - Fong et al, 2015
How many percent of product/service buyers research and shop online while visiting a retail point?
What does the study of Fong et al., 2015 demonstrate?
What is competitive locational targeting?
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What happens if you do not use strong marketing interventions when looking into competitive locational targeting?
What did the authors of the article find regarding competitive locational targeting?
What are the 2 reasons why competitive locational targeting may be more valuable than focal locational targeting?
- The convex response to discount depths implies that discounting to customers near a competitor is less likely to cannibalise in short-term sales;
- A retailer may have fewer ways of reaching customers located near its competitors; competitive locations will provide more potential targets than its own locations.
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