Internalizing Disorders - Anxiety, Trauma & PTSD - Anxiety

34 important questions on Internalizing Disorders - Anxiety, Trauma & PTSD - Anxiety

What are general facts about anciety disorder?

  • It exists across the world & most prevalent psychiatric disorder, often early onset, 2:1 female to male ratio
  • High comorbidity with other mood disorders
  • High individual impairment
  • Anxiety is 6th most disabling disease.

What is the female to male ration of AD?

2:1 female to male ratio

What turns adaptive anxiety into pathological anxiety?

  • Intensity
  • Duration
  • Pervasiveness
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What is typical of adaptive anxiety?

Most children have 1-2 fears that are appropriate for their age

What is typical of problematic anxiety?

Interference with daily life and healthy development

What are normal fears in toddlerhood?

  • Thunder, lightning, fire, water
  • Darkness
  • Nightmares
  • Animals

What are normal fears for 6-7 years old?

  • Strange, loud or abrupt noises
  • Ghosts, witches or other supernatural beings
  • Bodily injury
  • Seperation from parents and being lost
  • Being alone at night
  • Being hurt or rejected at school

What are normal fears for 7-8 years old?

  • The darkness and dark places
  • Real-life catastrophes
  • Not being liked
  • Being left out of family or school events
  • Being hurt or rejected at school

What are normal fears for 8-9 years old?

  • Personal humiliation
  • Failure in school or play
  • Being caught in a lie or misbehavior
  • Being the victim of physical violence
  • Parents fighting, separating or being hurt

What are typical fears for 9-11 years old?

  • Failure in school or sports
  • Becoming sick
  • Heights and sensations of vertigo
  • Sinister people

What are typical fears for 11-13 years old?

  • Failure in school, sports or achieving popularity
  • Looking or acting strange
  • Life-threatening illnesses or death
  • Sex
  • Being fooled or humiliated

What are the shared characteristics of anxiety disorders?

  • Excessive fear and anxiety
  • Realted to behavioral disturbances
  • Not attributable to physiological effects of medication, substances or a medical condition

What are differences between anxiety disorders?

  • The types of fears of avoided objects or situations
  • Content of associated thoughts or believes

What are the different kind of AD mentioned in the DSM-5?

  • Seperation anxiety
  • Selective mutism
  • Specific phobia
  • Generalized anxiety disorders
  • Social anxiety disorders
  • Panic disorder
  • Agoraphobia

What is separation anxiety?

A non-age appropriate anxiety (or anticipation) of going away from home or leaving attachment figures

What are symptoms of separation anxiety?

  • Excessive worry that caregivers may be harmed
  • Persistant refusal to go anywhere which may cause separation
  • Frequent nightmares about separation
  • Recurrent physical complaints when not in close proximity to attachment figures (can be real of imagined)

What is selective mutism?

A consistent failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is an expectation for speaking (e.g. at school) despite speaking in other situations

What are symptoms of selective mutism?

  • Interferes with educational, occupational & social achievement & interaction
  • Has a duration of at least one month (not limited to the 1st month of school)
  • Not attributable to a lack of knowledge of comfort with speaking
  • Not better explained by other disorders (e.g. ASD, communication disorder)

What is a specific phobia?

Intense fear of a certain object or situation that interferes with the person’s ability to function

What are symptoms of specific phobia?

  • The (anticipation of the) phobic object almost always evokes immediate anxiety
  • The phobic object/situation is actively avoided or endured with intense fear
  • The fear is out of proportion (irrational) & persistant (>6 months)
  • Not better explained by another disorder

What are the 5 categories when it comes to specific phobia?

  1. Animals
  2. Natural environments
  3. Blood/injection/injury
  4. Situational
  5. Other

What is an example of a situational specific phopbia?

  • Flying
  • Elevator

What are symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder?

  • Difficulty in controlling the worrying
  • Associated with 3 or more other symptoms
  • Clinically significant distress or impairment
  • Not attributable to medication, substance or other medical or mental disorders

What are the other symptoms generalized anxiety disorder can be associated with?

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating,
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Muscle tension
  • Edginess
  • Restlessness

What are symptoms of social anxiety disorder?

  • Individuals fears they will act in a way or show anxiety symptoms that will be negatively evaluated
  • Social situations are avoided or endured with intense fear/anxiety
  • Social situations almost always provoke fear
  • The fear is out of proportion
  • It is persistent for > 6 months & there has to be clinically significant distress
  • Not attributable to substance, medication or another disorder/condition

What are the negative consecuences of social interaction that are feared?

  • Humiliation
  • Rejection
  • Offending others

What type of behavior is avoided during social situations by people that have a social anxiety disorder?

  • Eye contact
  • Eating in public

In what type of situations do people experience social anxiety?

  • Social interactions
  • Being observed
  • Performing

What is a panic attack?

Abrupt surges or intense fear/discomfort reaching a peak within 10 minutes & during which time 4 or more symptoms occur

What are symptoms of a panic attack?

  • Pounding or accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Nausea
  • Feeling dizzy/light-headed or fainting
  • Chills or heat sensations
  • Shortness of breath
  • Feelings of choking
  • Numbness or tingling sensations
  • Derealization/depersonalization
  • Fear of losing control/going crazy
  • Fear of dying

What are symptoms of a panic disorder?

  • Attacks are followed by a one month period of perisistent worry about having an attack
  • Significant change in behavior because of the attacks
  • Not attributable to substance, medication or another disorder

What are parent factors associated with anxiety and OCD?

  • Overprotective, over-controlling, negative/critical or intrusive parenting
  • Parent fears
  • Lack of the role of the father

What are child factors associated with anxiety and OCD?

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Temperament (anxiety-sensitivity & inhibition)
  • Cognition (e.g. ability to reflect on your own cognitions)
  • Less mental flexibility

What are environmental factors associated with anxiety and OCD?

  • Insecure attachment
  • Loss of parents or parental divorce
  • Negative life events (trauma)
  • Peer rejection

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