Externalizing Disorders - ODD, CD & ASPD - Antisocial Personality Disorder

13 important questions on Externalizing Disorders - ODD, CD & ASPD - Antisocial Personality Disorder

What is the definition of antisocial personality disorder?

A mental condition in adults in which a person has a long-term pattern of manipulating, exploiting, or violating the rights of others without any remorse

What are the biggest diagnostic criteria for ASPD?

  1. Impaired self-functioning
  2. Impaired interpersonal-functioning
  3. Antagonism
  4. Disinhibition

What are the symptoms of ASPD associated with impaired self-functioning?

  • Ego-centrism
  • Self-esteem derived from personal gain, power or pleasure
  • Goals based on pesonal gain
  • Absence of prosocial standards regarding conforming to laws or culturally appropriate behavior
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What are the symptoms of ASPD associated with impaired interpersonal-functioning?

  • Lack of concern for feelings, needs, suffering of others and lack of remorse
  • Incapacity of mutually intimate relationships

What are symptoms of ASPD associated with antagonism?

  • Manipulativeness
  • Deceitfulness
  • Callousness
  • Hostility

How is manipulativeness visible in relation to ASPD?

  • Influence or control of others
  • Use of seduction, charm to achieve goals

How is deceitfulness visible in relation to ASPD?

  • Dishonesty
  • Fraudulence

How is callousness visible in relation to ASPD?

Lack of concern for freelings of problems of others

How is hostility visible in relation to ASPD?

  • Angry feelings
  • Irritability

What are the symptoms of ASPD associated with disinhibition?

  • Irresponsibility
  • Impulsivity
  • Risk taking

How is irresponsibility visible in relation to ASPD?

Failure to honor obligations, agreements and promises

How is impulsivity visible in relation to ASPD?

Acting in the spur of the moment without a plan

How is risk taking visible in relation to ASPD?

  • Engagement in dangerous, risky and self-damaging activities
  • Easily bored

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